foto de perfil

Hello i'm a

passionate about the technology area, Improving more every day, becoming happier every day by doing what I love!

Projeto : Sneaker Shopping

In this project, a digital store was created for a clothing brand. The development was based on the following

technologies: Ruby on Rails, html,bootstrap css, postgresql and javascript

Link for the project Link for the repository />

Projeto : LinkTree

This project main goal, is a very simple and easy way that the brands can make contact with the influencer, without any this project was asked a list of links where you can find with no problems any way of contact!

technologies: Ruby on Rails, html,tailwind css, postgresql and javascript

Link for the project Link for the repository />

Projeto : Item List

Easy way to do your list at the market, list your gols of the day and other things, ease and simply design, perfect for anyone !

technologies: Ruby on Rails, html,tailwind css, postgresql and javascript

Link for the project Link for the repository />


+55 (21)97021 8211
Rio de Janeiro

My Habilities

  • Ruby

    EXP: 1+ years
  • Ruby on Rails

    EXP: 1+ years
  • javascript

    EXP: 1+ years
  • mySQL

    EXP: 1+ years
  • postgreSQL

    EXP: 1+ years

About me

I am an introverted, creative and methodical person. I like going out with friends, playing basketball and coding, always willing to contribute positively to the work and lives of the people around me.


Languages: Portuguese(fluent), English(advanced)


Formação Desenvolva aplicações Web com JavaScript


Conclusão do Web development Bootcamp
